This is the Grade 12 Christian Ethics course with a focus on living as a Christian in a secular world. Understanding how the Christian message guides our search for self-understanding and discovering how Christianity gives meaning to relationships, life, beliefs, and death. There will also be a portion of this course devoted to world religions and cults.

Students will:
  • appreciate how the Christian message guides our search for self-understanding
  • discover how Christianity gives meaning to life, death, and belief
  • understand relationships and commitments from a Christian perspective
  • understand and value the contributions of various world religions and spiritualities

Christian Ethics 20 is the Grade 11 course. The main focus of this course is understanding the nature of the Christian community, specifically the Church and its history and practices. Combined with this is the aspect of living the Christian life, including Christian moral guidelines and how these Christian principles inform various contemporary moral issues.

Students will:
  • understand the nature of the Christian community
  • appreciate what belonging to and living in the Christian community entails
  • understand Christian moral guidelines
  • see how Christian principles inform various contemporary moral issues
Welcome to Christian Ethics 10, designed for Grade 10. This course focuses on the Christian Story. Beginning with your own personal story and then spending the majority of the course on the story of Jesus Christ, you will come away from this course with an understanding of Jesus and an appreciation of scripture as the story of the Christian community. This course includes a 10-hour community service project.

Students will ...

  • understand that one's life story is interrelated with one's communities' stories
  • appreciate scripture as the story of the Christian community
  • have knowledge of the Christian understanding of Jesus
  • realize that the Christian message calls us to serve as Jesus did
  • appreciate the impact that one's values and decisions make on the lives of oneself and others
  • cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus